Brake line bleed from empty?

Started by ADRay, January 12, 2024, 10:02:21 AM

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I've buttoned up my brake system and ready to fill it with brake fluid. Do I fill the lines the same way I would bleed them?

 I ask because a quick couple of Internet searches and I only found examples of bleeding brakes due to refreshing the fluid or if the line was open for like a caliper repair, but nothing for a dry empty system. Thanks
1982 Mini 1000 HL


Not sure what you mean by fill lines the way you'd bleed them.  But, I just fill up the master and bleed like normal. Sometimes bleeding the master first helps.  It can take a little patience to get all the air out. Longest line first working your way to the shortest.


Yes, basically bleed from empty/new in the same manner as you would for regular service.  You will need to keep a closer eye on fluid in the master due to filling the lines.

Start with the furthest from the master and work to the closest.  Once you have fluid at all corner, go back and check again to make sure there are no air bubbles.

When I restored my white Moke several years ago, I used a handheld vacuum bleeder to assist getting fluid to each corner as well as the final bleed.  It also lets it be more a one-man process versus the push-&-hold process using the brake pedal.


Thanks gentlemen. I thought so but couldn't find the answer myself.

I've ramped up putting this car back together, so I'm going to be asking a lot of questions. Thanks again.
1982 Mini 1000 HL