Mini East Meets West 2024 Spearfish, South Dakota July 8-12 2024

Started by Whee, September 24, 2023, 11:21:21 AM

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Went to it the last time I was in this area - fun!

My blue Clubman S on the end....

Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers


A few other fun things to see and do while in this area.....

If you look closely at the pic of the tower, on the right side you can just make out the remains of the light brown wooden ladder that people used to be allowed to climb to go to the top. At the museum there are pics of women in bustles and high top button up shoes on top of the tower, pics from the late 1800's is my guess. Also, if you look closely further up - about 3/4 or more to the top on the side near the ladder, you can see a white spec. that is a climber - you can get permission to climb the tower but you have to apply well in advance as they only let a limited number do it each season. I would love to go to the top, but no freakin way I'm climbing it - even with a ladder!

A group of about 10 of us went to Devil's Tower that day, as we were getting ready to leave a group of Mustangs came roaring in - there's a very limited number of parking spots around the museum lot- one of the women got out and yelled to the rest of the group "it's OK! The little cars are leaving!  :-)

If a group of classics go, we can park them two to a spot, nose to tail.
Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers


I managed to get registered and made reservations at the host hotel.  It looks like I will be going solo - Bruce is not going and Craig does not have the time available.


Glad to hear you're going, but it's early days yet.....there may be someone from one of the local clubs you can roll with.....

What days are you going to be there? Looks like nothing really going on till Tuesday......I was thinking of getting there a day early and taking some short side trips, after driving for two days to get there I won't want to spend the next day in the car too!

Devil's Tower is just over an hour away, Deadwood is close by and you can get out and walk the street and see all the old historical stuff. Of course, Rushmore is right there too - it's super impressive if you've never seen it before.....and the Crazy Horse monument.

Edit: Looking at the schedule, it looks like there is a lot of free time (for me anyway) in the early part of the event......Monday is meet and greet, Tues the car show but that's over by early afternoon then the rest of the day is open. Wed is the autocross which I'm not going to run so other than watching, that day is open too. Thursday looks to be a full day, and Friday we head out I'm thinking I might arrive Monday night, leave Friday.
Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers


From the Planning Committee:

Folks, on behalf of the organizing committee for Mini Meet East-West 2024 in Spearfish, SD from July 8-11, 2024, thank you so much for pre-registering for this very fun event. This every-five-year event allows you the opportunity to see cars you may have never seen before.

The Committee has a full week's worth of activities planned for you and your family, and with Spearfish being in the middle of the Black Hills, there is so much great scenery and wonderful driving roads for you to enjoy. We don't care what you drive (well, partially true), we just wany you and your friends to come and enjoy the event.

Please spread the word... If you have Mini/MINI friends who may not have registered yet, please encourage them to do so before May 24th since that's when the "early bird discount" comes to an end (although Registration will be open into mid-June at the full price). And remind them this event is for classic Minis, new MINIs and KIDS TOO. We have several activities planned and special gifts just for the kids.


As a reminder, below is quick "high-level" summary of the Events Diary:

Monday, July 8: Registration and a Welcome Meet-n-Greet

Tuesday, July 9: Mini Meet Car Show and Auto-Cross early inspections

Wednesday, July 10: Auto-Cross and Funkhana

Thursday, July 11: Rally Through The Black Hills and Closing Banquet


In addition to these "High Level" events, there will be numerous other events taking place during the week including the panoramic photo, Hot Wheel and Rocker Cover Racing, and much more.

The town of Spearfish is a ten-minute drive from the hotel and is picturesque "Small-Town Americana". About 20 minutes away is the town of Deadwood, which reminds you of an old western town. And, if you've ever wondered what the motorcycle haven of Sturgis is like, that's also only 20 minutes away.

The website link is or

Please reach out if you have any questions (

Looking forward to seeing you in less than eight weeks!! SAFE TRAVELS!!


East-West 2024 Committee




Anyone know what this means for the room:
King Standard Mobility Accessible Roll Shower

I looked on the site at the descriptions of the room and none exactly match this.



Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers


Thanks guys
Now I just need to make reservation Santa Monica to Chicago and back to Spearfish...


Early Registration ends May 24th, after which the price goes up.

The event takes place July 8-12.  Here is a link to our website:
We also have a Facebook group

We are delighted by the registrations so far. We're already bigger than MMEW 2019. Come join us!


Booked the room today. Looks like the cutoff for the group rate is tomorrow. 


Looks like Don with his Pup, me with my Racing Green, Dan with his Inno and Dooder with his Mini will all be traveling together, see you all in Spearfish!
Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers


I am still planning on being there.  I will try contacting folks when I arrive sometime on Monday, July 8th.



Watch for the Hairy Lime Moke and the Aqua MKII.  I'll be there as well.



We have an AWESOME number of cars coming. Still time to register. Still rooms in the hotel block I believe. Drop everything, hop in your car and I'll see you there!



well I think I'm almost ready to go after my last minute repairs to the suspension on the Racing Green.

I still have to finish the trailer wiring on the Audi, but I know what wires I'm Looking for now thanks to my buddy at JCCC who sent me the incredibly complex wiring diagram. With that sorted I just need to find and hook them up, then figure out how to get the flat 4 wire end out of the body and down to the hitch.

With that done all I need to do is mow the grass (we've had a ton of rain this week along with the 90++ temps) pack up some tools and parts, gas up and go.

I've been looking forward to this trip ever since it was announced!
Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers


My wife and I are really disappointed to not make it. Our Route 66 trip fell through and the car is still a no go on a 5k trip. I was looking forward to meeting a number of you. Anyone need a dinner ticket? I will be cancelling the room reservation, so I do not know if the hotel would make it available at the discounted rate if someone needs it.


Oh, that's a real disappointment. What happened to the car?
Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers


Awhile back in preparation for the trip I gave the SC injection system one more try. It still was not running all that well. Nick at Boot to bonnet had looked at a box that allows the removal of the Rover alarm system and I had all the parts to swap in a nearly complete Rover MEMS 2J injection setup. It ran well on the way home, but at some point developed a strange backfire at light/part throttle. So maybe using 25 year old injection components was not the best idea. I think in another post, Dave suggested putting a carb on it and I had all the parts to do that. But being pig-headed like I am I stuck with troubleshooting the injection. ran out of time
Replaced lots of stuff with new and still the problem persists. I am pretty much at a stalemate. Last thing to try is to swap in a set of old injectors as the one on the car are brand new. But that is a very long reach...


On a lighter note:

I have the Mini Van loaded up for the trip.


I gave the inno a buff and wax and currently swapping brand new 008s for brand new 032s. 



Michael, we'll see you there. When are you leaving? Sat or Sunday? Are you going up thru Armadillo? Lots of small towns that'll even go thru Alliance, Ne - right past CarHenge.

I guess it's either that or up thru Abilene?
Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers



I am leaving very early Saturday and going up through Amarillo, across the west end of the Oklahoma pan-handle into eastern Colorado and on up.

I am giving myself 2.5 days to get there - expected arrival sometime Monday afternoon.


Dan made it to KC, and I'm loaded and ready to go too.....we'll hit the road in the am for Sioux Falls where we'll overnight, then we should be in Spearfish by early afternoon Monday.

Complete failure at retirement - but getting better!

1972 Mini Racing Green
1972 Mini ST hotrod
2017 Audi Allroad - Glacier White - His
2018 Audi Allroad - Floret Silver - Hers