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The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by MiniDave - January 31, 2025, 07:42:06 AM
Very cool shot, and I'm surprised you could get onto the flight line to get the shot- nice!
The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by BruceK - January 30, 2025, 09:53:57 PM
I mentioned Michael and I are planning a Mini run in a few weeks. We mapped it out using, well, a map.  But neither of us had driven on some of the roads that we planned on using. So I was bored the other day and decided to make a test run on the route to make sure the roads were suitable for Minis. It was extremely foggy but I decided to go anyway. At our destination, which is a Commemorative Air Force museum, I spotted this cool old DC-3 on the flightline. In the fog it sort of looked like a scene from Casablanca.

The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by Jims5543 - January 28, 2025, 08:47:45 AM
AMGEATER - lol!!  I love it!!

After my son finished his DEF delete and flash on his X5d some cat in a AMG GT with a tag that said M-Eater raced him from a red light. The X5 didn't win, and it didn't lose either, they were side by side up to the next light.  The AMG turned off after that.

Wayne Dempsey (previous owner of Pelican Parts) has/had a 959, they are 1 Million $$ cars now.
The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by MiniDave - January 28, 2025, 07:52:24 AM
I was in Phoenix a couple weeks ago for my granddaughter's wedding, and while driving down Scottsdale Blvd, this went rolling past.....first time I've ever seen one outside of a museum as they were never imported or sold here.....but now they're old enough to avoid the Federal 25 year ban laws.

The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by Jims5543 - January 28, 2025, 06:25:35 AM
Quote from: BruceK on January 26, 2025, 06:06:13 PMThen I parked the car right next to a massive new SUV or something.

I am always amazed by how giant the new "Mini" is.  A classic makes them look giant, even our R53 is tiny next to a new one.
The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by Jims5543 - January 28, 2025, 06:21:41 AM
I95 in Miami on a Saturday afternoon.  It used to be you could scoot into downtown Miami no problem on the weekends. Not the case anymore. I am in the toll express lane doing 16MPH. I pad for that. LOL!

Actually my friend paid for it, we dropped them off for a cruise in their Lincoln Navigator and then came back to pick them up.

The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by Jims5543 - January 28, 2025, 06:16:59 AM
Saw these in a clothing store in Wynwood Miami last weekend.

Saw this on the street.

Wynwood is an art district at the North end of downtown Miami. So much to take in, we only had about 2 hours to kill there before we had to pick up our friends at the cruise terminal. We are going back for another weekend to explore around there more.

The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by MPlayle - January 27, 2025, 08:29:48 AM
My first thought on seeing the last picture: It's a Mini and a "Maxi"!
The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by MiniDave - January 27, 2025, 07:56:02 AM
Yeah, I just bought new tires for the black Audi about 4 months before we traded it in!

Of our two Audis that we have now, both have a ton of tread but looking at the date codes the tires are all mixed in age, with some dates back to 2017 (makes sense as it's a 2017 car) and some as new as 2022 - I think all together there were 4 from 2022 between the two cars, I'm going to pick the newest tires and put them all on one car, then get another new set for the other car.

We don't usually put a lot of miles on our cars, but with my trips to Hallet, Ozarks and now Phoenix I've managed to put about 6K on the white Audi in the 7 months or so I've owned it. I hate replacing tires that still have a ton of tread left, but as Bruce says - they do age out.

With all wheel drive cars one consideration is you can't put tires on that aren't worn to about the same depth, as it puts weird strains on the drive system - or so I've read......I don't know if I believe it completely but that's what the manual says. But you can't mix well worn tires with new ones.....

I put the last set on at Discount and I like them for service so far......I used them in California when I lived there also.
The Lounge / Re: A new game... Post pics fr...
Last post by 94touring - January 26, 2025, 07:25:33 PM
Which reminds me, I need a set of tires for the bus that are starting to wear down on the fronts.