
General Discussion => The Lounge => Topic started by: 94touring on May 17, 2021, 07:06:16 AM

Title: Don't harass the ladies
Post by: 94touring on May 17, 2021, 07:06:16 AM
My good friend Skylar whom a couple of you probably know has had this guy harassing her. She moved out of my one condo recently to a smaller place across the street while she goes back to school full time. Her neighbor is this guy who keeps saying and doing unusual things making her uncomfortable. Stalkerish type behavior and inappropriate comments.  Well the other night I came up to hang out with Skylar for a bit and the next morning she received a long text from him calling her a prostitute and other crazy ass things.  I am one of her clients according to him.  She of course was extremely upset.  I wasn't exactly happy about it either.  Trying to take the proper way to resolve it I suggested she send the message to the landlord and explain all the other things he does to make her uncomfortable. The landlord did nothing and blew it off.  Unfortunately for him he came downstairs to the bar last night while I was there.  I had him by the neck explaining he won't be pulling that shit anymore.  Caused a bit of a scene.  A little ruckus.  The end result however was he's banned from the bar since he's a verified creep now and I'm confident he won't mess with Skylar again. 
Title: Re: Don't harass the ladies
Post by: MiniDave on May 17, 2021, 07:15:10 AM
I don't know if that worked or not - I hope it did for her sake, but sometimes that just makes them more interested....why does he have her phone number to text her? And why hasn't she already blocked him?
Title: Re: Don't harass the ladies
Post by: 94touring on May 17, 2021, 07:33:11 AM
She ignores and avoids him.  That's hard to do when he follows her downstairs or confronts her in the hallway when he hears her come and go.  What started off as a neighborly exchange of info became uncomfortable situations peaking at the insane message he sent the other morning.  He hadn't done anything that brazen before then to warrant being blocked.  He'd be a masochistic to have continued interest.
Title: Re: Don't harass the ladies
Post by: cstudep on May 17, 2021, 12:06:26 PM
Common decency and respect for others personal wishes/space seems to be a thing of the past anymore.

Sorry to hear your friend has to deal with such a dirt bag, but sounds like you have it under control for now lol.
Title: Re: Don't harass the ladies
Post by: MiniDave on May 17, 2021, 12:11:57 PM
I can't help but think a guy like this probably has mental health issues....I'd be cautious and tell Skylar to avoid him like the plague, and maybe get a new cell number.
Title: Re: Don't harass the ladies
Post by: 94touring on May 17, 2021, 02:12:42 PM
Landlord is taking it a little more serious today luckily.  She also owns the bar and the girls down there complained as well. 

Yes Skylar does avoid him at all cost, but as you know it's hard to do that when their doors look at each other. Besides she shouldn't have to worry about him being there when she comes and goes.